In My Opinion


First Presentation

                What is the meaning of culture?

I liked how in Andrew’s presentation he emphasized some of the behavioral manifestations because I wouldn’t have known what he was talking about. For example, music and dancing is an example of a manifestation, I didn’t know that, so I learned something new. I like that he gave a lot of examples of what he was talking about and made It easier to understand. Overall, his presentation was good.

                Intercultural communication

I like the image Arialis used on her first slide, it really showed what her PowerPoint was about and how cultures all have different languages and communications. Her presentation helped me to understand what cultural shock was and how it can cause anxiety for people when they’re introduced into a new society. This makes sense too because the person may not be used to the customs of other societies so it could be difficult and confusing to many people. Her presentation helps me understand the importance of intercultural communication.

                Dominant Culture and Co-culture

I like how Christian was able to snap back after the sequence mistake. I like how he gave an example of a co-culture and how they code switch to dominant culture or any co-culture.

                Sex and gender

I liked how Carlos included American culture when he was talking about sexual orientation and how heterosexuality is progressing. He also included American culture when he was talking about gender and how men are expected to communicate in a certain way and women are supposed to communicate in a certain way. Overall, I liked his presentation and how he related it to the American culture.

                Socioeconomic status

I liked how Annamarie included images that show the difference between the classes (High, middle, low) and had captions under them explaining the different classes. I also liked that she added examples so that the audience was able to get an idea of the difference between the three. The video she included in her slide was very funny and informative. It showed the difference between three generations and how they were all different down from songs to dancing.

                How cultures differ

·         I liked the images Alessandro used in his presentation it really represents the topic he’s talking about. I also like how Alessandro elaborated on what he was talking about. For example, when he was talking about individual culture and collectivist culture, he said some terms someone may characterize themselves with such as “dependent father”. Overall, he elaborated on each topic and made it very clear and easy to understand. I liked his presentation.

·         In Brian presentation I liked the way he included a chart to show the difference between uncertainty avoidance in a high uncertainty avoidance culture and a low uncertainty avoidance culture.

·         In my speech I liked how I elaborated on masculinity and femininity such as the Mexico reference and how in feminine cultures women can take on a variety of roles and their work be appreciated. I also like how I included the chart that further differentiates feminine culture from masculine culture it shows a lot of differences. I like how in my second slide Included a Venn-Diagram. In all I like how I elaborated and add charts and graphs.

Developing Intercultural Communication Competence

·         I liked how in Alejandro speak he elaborated for most of his slides, most of the stuff he was talking about came from his head and what he already knew. I also liked the images he used inside his presentation, they were very colorful and matched the topic he was talking about. I also liked how he stated how some words mean different things in different places.

·         I liked how in Brianny’s presentation she elaborated on her slides and talked about her slides from her head. I also agree with her when she said that you can learn more about cultures from social media platforms such as podcasts. I also agree that when speaking to people from other cultures you should think before you speak because you don’t want to come off the wrong way and seem disrespectful.

·         In Alberto’s presentation I agree with him that music is one way that cultures communicate. I also liked how he said that some cultures used to use sign language, I never knew that.

The first group presentation was very informative. Everyone elaborated their points and gave great examples to help the audience further understand the point they were trying to get across.

Second Presentation

 Communications in groups

·         For starters I really like this group PowerPoint theme. For Lilly’s presentation I liked the images she used as examples of what she was talking about. I also loved the clip from walking dead that she used it showed how issues are decided by the authority figure in the family/group. It was a great clip to user and showed exactly what she was talking about.

·         In Gabriella’s presentation I liked the group examples she used; I also liked the images she used as well.

·         In Eleazar’s presentation I liked how he included the different service groups and how he gave a little bit of background on each service group he provided. I also liked that he included examples of work groups. Overall, his presentation was great, and he elaborated well and included a lot of examples.

·         In Isabella presentation I liked that she included graphs and she elaborated on what she was talking about. I also liked that she included The Robins and Judge Model. Her images were also nice.

·         In Joseph presentation I liked the imagery he used. He also gave good information. Really good presentation.

·         In Isaac’s presentation I agree that gangs are unethical groups, they aren’t doing any good for society that was a good example of an unethical group.

·         In Luis presentation he had a lot of good points and he also provided a lot of images to support what he was saying. I also like how he included the class when he was speaking about cohesive groups.

The second group presentation was put together well, and they all had very good points during their presentations. The presentation was very informative and helped me to understand communications in groups better. They also elaborated their points well.

Third Presentation

The 3rd group presentation focused on chapter 10 Leadership & Problem Solving. For starts I loved how they included an Agenda it really helped the audience to know what’s going to be covered and by whom. I really liked the videos they used especially the one from The Office it was not only funny but informative. The group elaborated well and helped me understand. The videos provided were also very informative. I also liked the chart Vladimir provided comparing oral communication and written communication. Overall, this group did really well and I enjoyed it.


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